What radios were to our grandparents, videos are to us as of now. Video Marketing is a tried-and-tested way of marketing what your business offers.

Videos possess the ability to visually present what you would usually expect your audience to feel, or say while reading something like a blog/social media post. They rely on visual cues, along with audio cues in some cases.

With videos, you add layers to the content that you wish to show, therefore stressing the emotional aspects as well. 

With the variety of available marketing strategies, video marketing is an effective way of marketing your business propositions. Branding and advertising agencies can help you in doing so!

Read on to learn how you can utilize video marketing!

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing describes the use of video content to promote or inform audiences about your brand and products. Brands use videos across a variety of digital channels and formats, including their website, social media marketing, etc. to do so. 

How does it work?

Video marketing works based on visual cues that are used to show the information that you would like your audience to see. Various steps in making a video include brainstorming, video drafting, video editing, etc. 

But before that, determining what your target audience wants to watch is imperative. Taking references and making content that is relevant to what you offer as a business is a good way to start. Simply going on the pages of similar businesses in your field can give you an idea of what type of content people like to consume. Digital marketing agencies exist such as Kalavid that can help you out with these tasks!

What mediums can you use for video marketing?

In the digital era, data can easily be shared and transmitted from one place to another. This also means that using videos as a marketing tool is a good way to go. Mediums that you can use mainly include social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. 

Instagram as a video marketing tool is a brilliant way to showcase video content. You can get quick feedback from your audience, and social media boosting easily enhances your reach. By doing so, you can easily reach your target audience while obtaining feedback in the form of comments and DM (direct messages).

Determining video length

With people’s attention spans getting shorter as time goes by, the videos that you put out must be concise and shorter in length. The more efficient your videos are, the easier it will be for people to consume your content. 

Though yes, certain types of videos vary from platform to platform. Say you’re putting out content on Instagram, you’ll need to go for shorter video formats than a platform like YouTube. 

It also depends upon the type of content. That being said, here are the types of video marketing ways that you can use: 

Types of Video Marketing

Animation: Animation employs engaging imagery to convey otherwise complicated concepts.  

Brand videos: These videos build awareness of your company’s brand, mission, products, and services. 

Event videos: Is your company running an event such as a fundraiser, conference, or discussion? Create a highlight reel! 

Explanation videos: Simple, these videos help the audience understand why they need your services and products. 

How-to videos: These videos not only teach your audience how to do something new, but they also help viewers gain an understanding and appreciation of your business. 

Testimonials/Case Studies: These videos involve your customers in the campaign. Word of mouth is one of the most effective means of advertising, so having satisfied customers tell their stories on video is a surefire winner. 


Once you are clear about the video that you want to make, start budgeting. 

This step includes tasks such as videography costs, editing costs, voiceovers, actor costs, etc. 

It is an important task as it gives an insight into whether you can go for a specific type of video or not. For some video types though, you don’t need a budget. You just need some good video editing skills!

On the other hand, if you would like branding services that are tailored to your business needs, you might want to go for a branding agency in Rajkot such as Kalavid.


With putting forth content, arises the need for consistency. 

By being consistent with your content, you can aim to create an audience that wants your content, and likes what you put forth. 

Find a niche and stick to it while you’re putting out content. 


Utilizing video marketing may work wonders for your business. There are a lot of types of videos using which you can experiment with, to see what your target audience likes. 

Also, you can consecutively outsource your work to digital branding and advertising agencies if you’re having a hard time doing so. These agencies specialize in video making and can also find out what your target audience likes as well as even manage what social media handles. One such agency is Kalavid.